Bandwidth to Support Convergence
Convergence means combining or converging voice, data and video
onto a single network. Enterprises usually need to expand their
LAN bandwidth and set up a QoS or Quality of Service priority
system to give priority to real-time streams such as telephone
calls or video conference feeds, which are more sensitive to network
delays than data transfers. Most often, the common protocol for
convergence is IP.
What is Ethernet over Copper
Ethernet over Copper, or EoC, uses copper transmission lines rather
that fiber optics. T1 lines are most often used to transport mid-band
Ethernet signals in the 1 to 10 Mbps bandwidth range when provisioning
fiber optic lines is too expensive.
Is Ethernet a Full or Half
Duplex system?
The original Ethernet implementation was based on avoiding collisions
on packets all sharing the same network line. Small networks using
hubs are half-duplex. Switched Ethernet networks are full duplex
because the layer 2 switches prevent packet collisions.
What is a Service Level Agreement?
An SLA or Service Level Agreement is often part of the contract
between a business and telecom carrier for line services such
as carrier Ethernet.The SLA spells out the expected availability
of the line service and what penalties the carrier is liable for
if the line doesn't perform as stated.
What is the Technical Advantage
of Carrier Ethernet
Carrier Ethernet essentially extends you Local Area Network using
the same Ethernet switched protocol that you are currently familiar
with. You can have multiple locations hundreds or thousands of
miles apart appear to be on the same company LAN.