Sharing Business Broadband
Even smaller businesses can have high performance dedicated Internet
access by splitting the cost of a fiber optic Ethernet connection
with other businesses in their building or business park.
Carrier Ethernet is Available
Carrier Ethernet Services are already available in major metropolitan
areas from competitive carriers such as XO Communications. You
can order 10 Mbps Ethernet, 100 Mbps Fast Ethernet or Gigabit
Ethernet connections to match your current network bandwidth.
What does flooding mean?
Flooding is a Ethernet process whereby switches that do not know
the destination for data packets they receive send that data to
all ports and wait for a reply to discover the actual address.
How does Spanning Tree Protocol
STP or Spanning Tree Protocol is a technique used by Ethernet
switches to ensure that there is one and only one physical path
from source to destination. This is done to prevent forwarding
What is Ethernet over Fiber?
Ethernet over Fiber or EoF means transporting Ethernet protocol
signals over metro distance or long haul circuits, using IP protocol
networks. Your interface is a standard Ethernet jack from the
carrier supplied premesis equipment.