Bandwidth to Support Convergence
Convergence means combining or converging voice, data and video
onto a single network. Enterprises usually need to expand their
LAN bandwidth and set up a QoS or Quality of Service priority
system to give priority to real-time streams such as telephone
calls or video conference feeds, which are more sensitive to network
delays than data transfers. Most often, the common protocol for
convergence is IP.
Carrier Ethernet is Available
Carrier Ethernet Services are already available in major metropolitan
areas from competitive carriers such as XO Communications. You
can order 10 Mbps Ethernet, 100 Mbps Fast Ethernet or Gigabit
Ethernet connections to match your current network bandwidth.
Is Ethernet a Full or Half
Duplex system?
The original Ethernet implementation was based on avoiding collisions
on packets all sharing the same network line. Small networks using
hubs are half-duplex. Switched Ethernet networks are full duplex
because the layer 2 switches prevent packet collisions.
What is QoS and how do you
get it?
QoS means Quality of Service. Most often you hear about QoS when
referring to converged networks that transport both packet voice
and data. QoS mechanisms may include prioritizing voice packets
over data because voice is much more affected by latency and jitter.
Will Carriers "Light Buildings"?
Some will if their closest point of presence (POP) is within a
mile or so of your location. The farther away you are, the higher
the bandwidth commitment needs to be in order to justify the carrier's
construction costs.